‘The Future of Energy’ conference
to assess issues of next 25 years
“The Future of Energy” is the focus of a conference being held
on Friday, Nov. 9, in the Yale Law School’s Levinson Auditorium, 127
Wall St.
The event will explore the policy, business and regulatory challenges facing
the energy sector over the next 25 years.
“‘The Future of Energy’ asks what improvements we can make
and how best to make them in the context of business constraints and policy goals,” says
Law School student Ilya Podolyako, president of the Yale Law & Business Society,
which is co-sponsoring the event with the Yale Environmental Law Association,
and Yale School of Management Energy Club.
Noting that the conference will bring together legal scholars, executives from
energy companies, and regulatory experts from both the public and private sectors,
Podolyako adds, “It’s an opportunity to discuss the extremely pressing
topic of sustainable energy use with individuals capable of turning any consensus
reached into reality.”
The conference will focus on the United States’ energy outlook, notes Bryan
Townsend, a Law School student who is chairing the conference. “Although
this necessarily relates to the world’s outlook, we will emphasize how
international law and developments throughout the world in turn impact Americans,” he
Among other things, the conference will explore the relationship between international
law and the shift of accessible hydrocarbon reserves to unstable or developing
nations; the types of incentives the current regulatory regime creates for renewable
energy sources, both at the regional and national levels; and the economic prospects
of both traditional and alternative energy producers over the next 12 to 18 years.
“We hope the conference will clearly indicate the importance of energy
law to the future of our country and world,” says Townsend.
The conference runs from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. and is free to all members of the Yale community. For more information
or to register, visit the website at www.yalefutureofenergy.org, or send e-mail to bryan.townsend@yale.edu.
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