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-- Seymour H. Knox Professor of Mathematical Institutional Economics Martin Shubik, "In Cash We Trust," New Haven Register, Jan. 6, 2002.
"What we're about to be able to do is to create actual three-dimensional images of organs, various parts of the body, as though we are looking through them. . . . [I]nstead of opening an abdomen, a surgeon will be able to look at these full-color, three-dimensional images of, let's say, the intestine where there is a tumor, and see it as though he were right there, inches away from it."
-- Clinical professor of surgery Dr. Sherwin Nuland, "Dr. Sherwin Nuland Discusses the Latest Developments in Medicine and Science and Bio-Ethics in Medicine," "Today," NBC, Jan. 1, 2002.
"The audacious attack by Pakistan-based militants on India's Parliament -- aimed at killing or taking hostage India's political leadership -- has brought into focus the contradictions of Pakistani policy: On the western border Pakistan has joined U.S. forces in mopping up terrorists, but its old policy continues on the eastern front, where it backs terrorists in Kashmir as freedom fighters."
-- Director of publications at the Center for the Study of Globalization Nayan Chanda, "Now is the Time for India and Pakistan to Strike a Bargain," The International Herald Tribune, Jan. 2, 2002.
"What China has achieved is, first, membership in the WTO, and then on top of that, they now have removed this annual -- annoying to them and maybe humiliating -- process of the U.S. Congress reviewing human rights and immigration records. By the way, it's ironic -- I don't think they planned it this way -- but China is on one of its all-time execution binges."
-- Adjunct professor at the Yale School of Management David De Rosa, "Outlook for Asia and U.S. Businesses," "Markets Impact," CNNfn, Dec. 28, 2001.
"The allies are now in a horrible dilemma. If they 'bring him to justice' and put him on trial they will provide [Osama] bin Laden with a platform for global propaganda. If, instead, he is assassinated -- perhaps 'shot while trying to escape' -- he will become a martyr. If he escapes he will become a Robin Hood. Bin Laden cannot lose."
-- Robert A. Lovett Professor Emeritus of Military & Naval History Michael Howard, "What's in a Name?; How to Fight Terrorism," Foreign Affairs, Jan./Feb. 2002.
"The fires that melted the Twin Towers exposed powerfully the fragility of our lives. Faced with death, we glimpsed what otherwise tends to remain hidden from sight: the ultimate meaninglessness of a consumerist culture."
-- Henry B. Wright Professor of Theology Miroslav Volf in his article "The Frailties of a Santa Claus Culture," The Dallas Morning News, Dec. 22, 2001.
"Private institutions like Yale carry mystiques or auras around with them. (But) I can't say enough that we want people to come [to the Yale Art Gallery]."
-- Henry J. Heniz II Director of the Art Gallery Jock Reynolds, "With Some of the World's Greatest Works, the Yale University Art Gallery is Home to a Wealth of Backyard Treasures," New Haven Register, Jan. 4, 2002.
"Even in the extreme scenarios, the northern United States benefits from global warming. To have New England lead the battle against global warming would be deeply ironic, because it will be beneficial to our climate and economy."
-- Edwin Weyerhaeuser Davis Professor of Forest Policy Robert O. Mendelsohn, "Northeast Seen Getting Balmier," washingtonpost. com, Dec. 17, 2001.
"[M]ost wars don't end with the widespread prosecution of foot soldiers. . . . At Nuremberg, we didn't prosecute every German soldier."
-- Southmayd Professor of Law Akhil Reed Amar, "American in Afghanistan in Legal Limbo," Knight Ridder/Tribune News Service, Dec. 10, 2001.
"You don't make people optimistic if that's not their general way."
-- Assistant professor at the Child Study Center Steven Berkowitz, "New Year's New Feel," The Hartford Courant, Dec. 26, 2001.
"We want [medical students] to get into the habit of seeing what they're looking at."
-- Professor of dermatology Dr. Irwin Braverman about a program to improve medical students' observational skills by bringing them to art museums, "Medical Students Probe Art Before Patients," USA Weekend, Dec. 28-30, 2001.
"It's all the white people who oppressed the black people and as long as we keep all of them up, it will be 3005 before history is represented as it should be."
-- Peter V. & C. Vann Woodward Professor of History and American Studies Glenda E. Gilmore about road signs honoring notable North Carolinians, "Diversifying the Marks of History," The News and Observer (Raleigh, NC), Jan. 1, 2002.
"Nothing less than a Marshall Plan for the Middle East should be on offer -- but only if the parties stop the current self-destructive tit-for-tat spiral of violence."
-- Frank Altschul Professor of International Economics Gustav Ranis in his article "Demand Something For Our Money in Mideast," The Hartford Courant, Dec. 23, 2001.
"When (children are) worrying about dangers they'll find at home, it's hard to concentrate on math problems. It's hard to feel safe emotionally when you're not, in fact, safe physically."
-- Assistant clinical professor at the Child Study Center Miriam Berkman, "Abuse Rises After the Holidays," New Haven Register, Jan. 2, 2002.
"Most people in political science are writing for a telephone-booth-size audience."
-- Sterling Professor of Political Science and Anthropology James C. Scott about his approach to a new political science course for graduate students, The Chronicle of Higher Education, Dec. 14, 2001.
"One way to protect yourself [from overeating] is to develop this mind-set that the food companies are trying to get you to eat more food, and you have to resist this and develop this almost militant attitude that they're trying to get you to do a bad thing."
-- Director of the Center for Eating and Weight Disorders Dr. Kelly Brownell, "Downsizing Your Diet; Today's Hefty Portions Can Sabotage the Best Weight-Loss Intentions," The Atlanta Journal and Constitution, Jan. 3, 2002.
"[W]e should recognize that some actions are objectively bad, despite differences in cultural standards and values. To me, hijacking planes and killing thousands of civilians falls into this category. Others may disagree."
-- Yale student Alison Hornstein in her article "The Question That We Should Be Asking," Newsweek, Dec. 17, 2001.
"The Taliban is not a tribe, it's a movement."
-- Visiting lecturer in international affairs Charles Hill, "Long Road Looms for War on Terror," New Haven Register, Dec. 24, 2001.
"I don't know how we'd ever quantify it, but the average American is suspicious of big business in the sense that they don't really understand it. What [the Enron scandal] does is it kind of undermines that fragile faith."
-- Lecturer in economics Nicholas S. Perna, "Politics a Sidebar to Main Enron Story," The Hartford Courant, Jan. 18, 2002.
"Those who promote military tribunals have been misled by the O.J. Simpson fiasco to conclude that all U.S. courts -- whether civilian or military courts-martial -- are inherently incapable of rendering full, fair and expeditious justice in such cases."
-- Gerard C. & Bernice Latrobe Smith Professor of International Law Harold Hongju Koh in his article "The U.S. Can't Allow Justice to be Another War Casualty," latimes.com, Dec. 17, 2001.
"We have done so much to vilify bin Laden that we have almost, in a way, deified him."
-- Harris Assistant Professor of Child Psychiatry Valerie Maholmes, "Alienation Called Likely Cause of Boy's Actions," Daily News (New York), Jan. 7, 2002.
"The Electoral College pattern is much different than the popular vote."
-- William N. & Marie A. Beach Professor of Management Sciences & Professor of Public Health Edward H. Kaplan, "Poll Vault; Electoral Votes Are the Ones That Really Matter," New Haven Register, Jan. 3, 2002.
"Layoffs affect everyone, not only those who lose their jobs. Emotions transfer from one person to another. Those that aren't laid off are worried they might be next. And, of course, those that survive the cuts are unhappy because they have to pick up the slack for those that have been laid off."
-- Associate professor at the Yale School of Management Sigal Barsade, "Dissatisfaction Guaranteed; Mounting Layoffs And Economic Uncertainty Sour the Mood in Many Workplaces," New Haven Register, Dec. 30, 2001.
"That's a major lesson of September 11: The very instruments of the new world order -- airplanes, liberal policies on immigration and money transfers, multiculturalism itself . . . can be turned horribly against it. It was as if we had convinced ourselves that the new world of global communications had somehow transformed an old aspect of human nature: the tendency to harbor grievances and sometimes to act upon them."
-- Robert A. Lovett Professor of Military & Naval History and Political Science John Lewis Gaddis in his article "Setting Right a Dangerous World," The Chronicle of Higher Education, Jan. 11, 2002.
"America has been a haven for Islam. American Muslims must tell the world about the remarkable freedoms and coexistence we enjoy here. Muslims must understand that 'Death to America' is also an attack on millions of Muslims who are proud to call themselves American."
-- Ph.D. candidate Ahmed H. al-Rahim in his article "A New Agenda for American Muslims," The Boston Globe, Jan. 16, 2002.
"As a academic institution, we value freedom of expression. No group on campus can proselytize in a manner that abridges the rights of other students. No group can force its views on others."
-- University Chaplain The Reverend Frederick J. Streets, "Campus Evangelists Seek Out Foreign Students," The New York Times, Jan. 9, 2002.
"In sorting out fish from fowl amongst al-Qaeda detainees, we're not going to have the kind of first-class evidence that we're used to. We have it on [Osama] bin Laden because of his videotape, but most of them weren't so camera-happy."
-- Professor of law Ruth Wedgwood, "First Group of Prisoners Arrives at Guantanamo Bay; Distinctions Between Unlawful Combatants and Prisoners of War," "All Things Considered," National Public Radio, Jan. 11, 2002.
"It appears that the failure of the managers, directors and the auditors of Enron contributed, not so much to the collapse of Enron as has been widely reported, but to the creation of the Enron bubble in the first place. They did not do what they are supposed to do, and expected to do. . . . There is nothing unique about these failures at Enron, except the large size of the corporation."
-- James L. Frank Professor of Private Enterprise & Management Shyam Sunder, "Accounting for Enron; How Two Professors Grade Enron," The Wall Street Journal, Jan. 18, 2002.
"There is an important sense in which it is arbitrary to compensate [victims of the Sept. 11 attacks] while not compensating other victims. There is a sense in which no amount would ever be enough, but if we look at how these losses are indeed compensated . . . it seems these particular victims have little cause for complaint."
-- Professor of law Peter Schuck, "Divvying Up of 9/11 Aid Leaves Few Happy," The Christian Science Monitor, Jan. 14, 2002.
"[Army Special Forces troops] should essentially be following a military purpose -- providing military protection and military advice."
-- Professor Emeritus of History Gaddis Smith on the role of U.S. soldiers in influencing the culture of Afghanistan, "The Stripes Are on Their Sleeves, Not Their Pants," The New York Times, Jan. 13, 2002.
"Fiscal stimuli have never been used very effectively in this country because once the political bickering is over, there's no need for stimulus. The only stimulus was the Great Depression of the 1930s."
-- Stanley B. Resor Professor of Economics Robert J. Shiller, "The Dangers of Overstimulation," Salon.com, Jan. 11, 2002.
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