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-- Editor of The Yale Review J.D. McClatchy,
"J.D. McClatchy Discusses the Poetry of Wallace Stevens, Which Is Featured in 'The Voice of the Poet' Audio Series," "Weekend Edition Sunday,"
National Public Radio, April 28, 2002.
"The reason it is important to focus on the bright side of Japan's economy is that if the people start believing in it, feel confident about their futures and choose to actively consume and invest, most of the problems will be solved."
-- Professor of economics Koichi Hamada, "Recession-Ravaged Japanese Economy Can Still Count on Key Golden Strengths," The Associated Press, April 22, 2002.
"It is an intriguing thought to contemplate that the social productivity of health-care spending might be many times that of other spending. If this is anywhere near the case, it would suggest that the image of a stupendously wasteful health-care system is far off the mark."
-- Sterling Professor of Economics William D. Nordhaus, "Health Care's Economic Payoff," Business Week, April 29, 2002.
"We believed for a little while, and may have found comfort in believing, that the events of Sept. 11 had simplified the moral world. But the moral world never was simple. An awareness of its complexity, we are uneasily starting to learn, is a necessity of leadership now that the United States and its allies are compelled to use violence in a cause of self-defense. The fate of many nations depends on our ability to declare no more enemies than we have and to create no more enemies than we must."
-- Professor of English David Bromwich in his article "More Than One Evil," washingtonpost.com, April 23, 2002.
"Judaism is in fact hard to know, and profoundly different from what most people expect. A casual passerby -- even an active member of a typical American synagogue -- sees, ordinarily, only the street facade of this oldest, deepest and most challenging of Western religions. The actual life of Judaism goes on in hidden courtyards that observant Jews rarely feel called upon to describe."
-- Professor of computer science David Gelernter in his article "Judaism Beyond Words," ASAP, May 1, 2002.
"There was a tremendous amount of import and export far out into the western desert. People who managed caravan routes would pick up ideas and travel around, like bees with flowers, and bring them to other cultures, sharing technologies."
-- Assistant professor of Egyptology John Coleman Darnell, "The Rock Only Has a Cameo Role in Tonight's 'Real Scorpion King,'" New Haven Register, April 23, 2002.
"The federal plan as of this writing is for [all of the nation's radioactive] wastes to be transported to Nevada on flatbed trucks. The reason why Nevada was chosen for this honor, obviously has to do with its remoteness and its low population density. But the roads leading to Nevada, like all roads, were built for the express purpose of moving people and goods from one densely populated location to another. Their job, so to speak, is to seek out heavy concentrations of people. What this means as a practical matter is that shipments of radioactive waste will average more than 2,000 miles in length and will pass as closely as human ingenuity allows to the largest numbers of people possible."
-- William R. Kenan Jr. Professor Emeritus of Sociology & American Studies Kai Erikson, "Nuclear Truck Bombs," The Weekly Standard, April 22, 2002.
"Joining al Qaeda with knowledge of its purposes means that one has joined in a conspiracy to attack civilian targets and to make war illegally on the United States, for that is the raison d'etre of Al Qaeda. Personal participation in a particular attack is not required for culpability. A similar theory was in fact used at Nuremberg against witting members of the SS."
-- Professor of law Ruth Wedgwood in her letter to the editor "Al Qaeda's Leaders And U.S. Justice," The New York Times, April 24, 2002.
"Nuns tend to know the vulnerabilities and weaknesses of priests, more so than other people do."
-- Stark Professor of Christian Ethics Sister Margaret Ann Farley, "Nuns Hope Abuse Scandal Brings Extensive Reform," Los Angeles Times, April 30, 2002.
"The place [Mory's] keeps going because it does the same things the same way, every day. . . . We don't get into a lot of fancy styles of modern food. The decorations haven't really changed, either."
-- University Marshal (retired) Radley Daly, "To The Place Where Louie Dwells," New Haven Register, April 28, 2002.
"I think it addresses a very important point -- that the racial ideology of the Nazis was unworkable even in their own hands."
-- Charles J. Stille Professor of History Henry Ashby Turner Jr. about the book "Hitler's Jewish Soldiers" by Yale alumnus Bryan Mark Rigg, "Were There Jews in the Nazi Army?" The Chronicle of Higher Education, April 30, 2002.
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