Thursday, Sept. 5
"School of Music Opening Concert
and Convocation"
7 p.m. Battell Chapel. This event features performances by Sch. of Music students and faculty. Info.: (203) 432-4158 or
Wednesday, Sept. 11
"September 11: A Commemoration"
Noon. Library Court, BAC. The Twylyte Trio, featuring cellist Ann West, flutist Joanne Hiscocks and violinist David Clampitt, will perform chamber music. Open to members of the Yale community. Info.: (203) 432-2800.
"Tenebrae: The Lamentations of Jeremiah"
5:15 p.m. BRBL. A September 11 memorial concert will feature the Collegium Musicum performing works by Tomás Luis de Victoria, François Couperin, Joseph-Hector Fiocco and Jean Gilles, as well as contemporary works by Matthew Suttor and Richard Lalli. Directed by Richard Lalli. Those interested in singing in the chorus should contact or the Dept. of Music, 143 Elm St.
"Commemoration: Music and Readings"
7 p.m. Battell Chapel. A concert by the Körnerscher Sing-Verein Dresden and the Yale Camerata will include works by Heinrich Schütz and Johann Sebastian Bach. Directed by Peter Kopp. Open to members of the Yale community. (Chaplain's Office and Institute of Sacred Music)
Sunday, Sept. 15
"Great Organ Music at Yale"
8 p.m. Woolsey Hall. Martin Jean, organist, will perform Symphonies I and II by Louis Vierne. A $5 donation is requested at the door. Info.: (203) 432-4158. (Sch. of Music)


Wednesday, Sept. 4
"Evolution of General Strategy for Synthesis of C-Aryl Glycosides"
4 p.m. Rm. 160, SCL. Stephen Martin, Univ. of Texas at Austin. (Dept. of Chemistry)
"Enhancement Technologies and Staying Human"
4:15 p.m. ISPS. Part of an Interdisciplinary Bioethics Project working research group exploring "Al, Transhumanism and Nanotech." Andy Miah, Univ. of Paisley, Scotland. Open to members of the Yale community. Info.: (203) 432-6188 or
Monday, Sept. 9
"Climate and Cultural Factors in the Origins of Agriculture"
2 p.m. Rm. 102, KGL. Frank Hole. (Dept. of Geology and Geophysics)
Workshops and Lectures in History
of Medicine and Science
4:30 p.m. Fulton Rm., SHM. Tea will be served prior to the event at 4 p.m. (Interdisciplinary Bioethics Project)
"Wishful Science: The Persistence of T.D. Lysenko's 'Agrobiology' in the Politics of Science"
4:30-6:30 p.m. Rm. 401, HGS. Nils Roll-Hansen. (Yale Americanist Colloquium)
Health Policy Journal Club
5:30 p.m. Steiner Rm., SHM. Speaker and topic to be announced. (Office of Government & Community Affairs)
"Power, Architecture and the Rebuilding
of New York City"
6:30 p.m. Hastings Hall, A&A. Joseph Rose, Eero Saarinen Lecturer. (Sch. of Architecture)
Tuesday, Sept. 10
Working Research Group: "Perspectives
on Aging"
8:30-10:30 a.m. ISPS. Topic to be announced. For info., reading materials and breakfast reservations, contact Carol Pollard at (203) 432-
6188 or (Interdisciplinary Bioethics Project)
"Atmospheric Oxidation Mechanisms of Biogenic Hydrocarbons: Insights from Experiment and Theory"
4:30 p.m. Rm. 253, SCL. Simon W. North, Texas
A & M Univ. (Dept. of Chemistry)
"Ethical Issues in Suicidal Research"
6-8 p.m. ISPS. Bioethics Reading Group: "Ethics of Research Involving Vulnerable Populations." Celia B. Fisher, convener. For info., reading materials and dinner reservations, contact Carol Pollard at (203) 432-6188 or (Interdisciplinary Bioethics Project)
Wednesday, Sept. 11
Yale Sch. of Management Panel Discussion on 9/11
11 a.m. Location: TBA. Dean Jeffrey Garten, moderator, with Paul Bracken, Edward Kaplan and Jeffrey Sonnenfeld. The discussion will focus on the implications of the events for the global, corporate and public policy arenas. Open to members of the Yale community.
"Geopolitics in the Aftermath
of September 11th"
4-5:30 p.m. Battell Chapel. A faculty discussion featuring Provost Alison Richard, moderator, and John Lewis Gaddis, Donald Kagan and Ernesto Zedillo.
"Religion in the Aftermath
of September 11th"
4-5:30 p.m. Luce Hall Aud. A faculty discussion featuring Divinity School Dean Harold Attridge, moderator, and Maria Menocal, Lamin Sanneh, Jerry Streets and Miroslav Wolf.
"Policy Design Challenges for Climate Change at the Regional Level: Salmonids and the Coastal Zone in the Pacific Northwest"
5 p.m. Bowers Aud., Sage Hall. Edward Miles, Univ. of Washington School of Marine Affairs. Part of the Curtis and Edith Munson Marine Conservation Distinguised Lecture Series.
"Law and Human Rights in the Aftermath of September 11th"
7 p.m. Levinson Aud., Law Sch. A faculty discussion featuring Law School Dean Anthony Kronman, moderator, with Harold Koh, Ruth Wedgwood, Alan Schwartz and Paul Kahn.
"The Arts in the Aftermath
of September 11th"
7 p.m. McNeil Lecture Hall, YUAG. A faculty discussion featuring School of Drama Dean James Bundy, moderator, and Sheila DeBretteville.
Thursday, Sept. 12
"Turn to the Local: The Possibility of Returning Health Care to the Community"
Noon. ISPS. Working research group featuring speaker Lisa Newton. For info., reading materials and dinner reservations, please contact Carol Pollard at (203) 432-6188 or (Interdisciplinary Bioethics Project)
Book Signing
6 p.m. Yale Bookstore. Mark Bittman, New York Times food columnist, will share recipes and time-saving tips from his new book, "The Minimalist Cooks at Home: Recipes That Give You More Flavor From Fewer Ingredients in Less Time."
Friday, Sept. 13
"Sustainable Agriculture and Resistance: Transforming Food Production in Cuba"
11 a.m.-1 p.m. ISPS. Peter Rosset, Food First/Institute for Food and Development Policy. Part of the Program in Agrarian Studies Colloquium Series. Info.: (203)432-9833 or
"Moving America to Universal Preschool Education"
11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Rm. 211, Mason Laboratory, 9 Hillhouse Ave. Edward Zigler will deliver the first lecture in the Bush Center in Child Development and Social Policy Luncheon Series. Info.: (203) 432-9935.

Sept. 12-15
"Viet Nam Film Series"
8 p.m. Aud. 101, Luce Hall. Part of the Yale Vietnam Conference 2002. A complete schedule is available at

For Students
Thursday, Sept. 3
"Undergraduate Art Counseling"
9:30 a.m.-noon and 1-3 p.m. Green Hall, Sch. of Art. (Yale Sch. of Art Undergraduate Office)
Tuesday, Sept. 10
September 11 Dinner Discussion
6:30 p.m. The College Masters and the Graduate Sch. will host dinners for undergraduates and graduate/professional students. Students will have the opportunity to talk with 9/11 panel members (see listings for Sept. 11 under "Talks") and help shape the following evening's discussions. Undergraduates interested in attending should contact their master's office; graduate and professional students should contact Lisa Brandes, McDougal Ctr., at
Wednesday, Sept. 11
Commemorative Breakfast
8 a.m. Marigolds. Sch. of Epidemiology and Public Health student breakfast. Moments of silence will be observed at 8:46 a.m. and 9:02 a.m.
Thursday, Sept. 12
Student Open House
3:30-5:30 p.m. Peabody Museum. A reception to expore volunteer and employment opportunities at the museum. Meet with staff and enjoy behind-the-scenes tours. Info.: (203) 432-5050 or
Friday, Sept. 13
Fall Reception
4-6:30 p.m. Luce Hall. YCIAS and the Office of International Students and Scholars hosts a reception with food, music and dancing to welcome international students and scholars.

Wednesday, Sept. 4
"Nodal Flow Determines Embryonic
Left-Right Asymmetry"
4 p.m. Rm. 226, OML. Shigenori Nonaka, Osaka Univ. (Dept. of Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology)
Tuesday, Sept. 10
"Cell Cycle Regulation During Drosophila Development -- A Model System to Study Cancer Related Genes"
4 p.m. Rm. I304, SHM. Wei Du. (Genetics)
Wednesday, Sept. 11
"Surgery: A Year Update"
7-8 a.m. 216 JEH. Surgery Grand Rounds Lecture by Robert Udelsman.

Monday, Sept. 9
"The Global AIDS Pandemic: What Did we Learn in Barcelona?"
4 p.m. SML Lecture Hall and Memorabilia Room. A roundtable discussion on the 14th International Conference on AIDS. Ernesto Zedillo, moderator; Tyler Crone, Director, Yale AIDS Network; Kasia Malinowska-Sempruch, Director, International Harm Reduction Development Program, Open Society Institute; Michael Merson, Anna M.R. Lauder Professor and Dean of Public Health; Josh Ruxin, Center for Global Health and Economic Development, Columbia Univ. Info.:; (203) 432-1904.
Friday-Sunday, Sept. 13-15
"Yale Vietnam Conference 2002:
The Ecological and Health Effects
of the Vietnam War"
The conference will provide information on the ecological damage and aftermath of military operations during the U.S.-Vietnam conflict. Info. and registration: (Sch. of Nursing/Sch. of Forestry & Environmental Studies/Vietnam Veterans of America)

Saturday, Aug. 31
Freshman Assembly
10 a.m. Addresses by President Richard C. Levin, and Yale College Dean Richard H. Brodhead. All freshman are expected to attend and be in their seats on the main floor of Woolsey by 9:45 a.m. Proper attire should be worn. Parents and guests of students are invited to attend and take seats in the balconies. Additional seating to view a simulcast of this event will be available at the Law School's Levinson Auditorium, 127 Wall St.
Tuesday, Sept. 3
Yale Camarata Auditions
Sch. of Music, 435 College St. Call (203) 432-5184 to schedule an appointment. (Institute of Sacred Music)
Wednesday, Sept. 4
Fall Open House and Reception
4-6 p.m. OMSC Great Commission Hall, 490 Prospect St. The Overseas Ministries Study Center holds its fall open house and reception. Info.: (203) 624-6672 or
Thursday, Sept. 5
"Stress Management"
9 a.m.-noon. Rm. LL1, 221 Whitney Ave. Fee: $65; $50 for members of the Yale community.
Friday, Sept. 6
Yale Camarata Auditions
Sch. of Music, 435 College St. Call (203) 432-5184 to schedule an appointment. (Institute of Sacred Music)
Saturday, Sept. 7
Introductory Tour of the British Art Center
11 a.m. BAC. A tour and survey of British painting.
Monday, Sept. 9
Yale Camarata Auditions
Sch. of Music, 435 College St. Call (203) 432-5184 to schedule an appointment. (Institute of Sacred Music)
Tuesday, Sept. 10
"Building a Successful Team"
9 a.m.-3 p.m. Rm. LL1, 221 Whitney Ave. Fee: $110; $90 for members of the Yale community. Registration:
Tuesday & Thursday,
Sept. 10 & 12
"Power Point 97/2000: Level 1"
9-11:30 a.m. Rm. LL3, 221 Whitney Ave. 2-day course. Fee: $130. Registration:
Wednesday, Sept. 11
"Advanced Customer Service for Managers"
9 a.m.-4 p.m. Rm. LL1. 221 Whitney Ave. Fee: $110; $90 for members of the Yale community.
Yale University Library Sept. 11th Memorial
9 a.m-4 p.m. Lecture Hall, SML. The library will provide an open space to gather for reflection and remembrance. A short video and/or a live TV feed of national remembrance events will take place during the noon hours. Patriotic ribbons and refreshments will be available in the Memorabilia Room throughout the day. Every 11 minutes volunteers will read or present "Messages of Hope and Remembrance," pictures, drawings and poems that were submitted by staff members. The library will set up four easels, each with a different theme, for attendees to post their own thoughts and ideas. Info: Kate Reynolds, (203) 432-1810.
"Mass of Remembrance"
5:30 p.m. St. Thomas More Chapel, 268 Park St.
Eucharist Commemorating the 9/11 Anniversary
6:15 p.m. Berkeley Divinity School.
Candlelight Ceremony on Cross Campus
9 p.m. President Richard C. Levin and Chaplain Frederick J. Streets will lead the ceremony. Members of the Yale community will do brief readings and a musical interlude will be performed by Willie Ruff and Dwight Mitchell. Open to members of the Yale community.
Thursday, Sept. 12
"Life Balance Workshop"
9 a.m.-noon. Rm. LL1, 221 Whitney Ave. Fee: $65; $50 for members of the Yale community. Registration:
Yale International Singers Rehearsal
7:30 p.m. Beyers Seminar Rm., Silliman College. To schedule an audition, email the conductor, Sebastian Zubieta at
Friday, Sept. 13
"Luncheon Meditation"
Noon-1 p.m. Rm. LL1, 221 Whitney Ave. Registration:
Saturday, Sept. 14
Introductory Tour of the British Art Center
11 a.m. BAC. A tour and survey of British painting.
"Roxi Fox and the Incredible Insect Adventure"
11 a.m.-noon. Peabody Museum. Puppeteer Betty Baisden leads Roxi Fox into the world of entomology. Admission is free. Info.: (203) 432-5050 or
"Start with the Arts" Festival
Noon-4 p.m. Peabody Museum. Featuring guided tours, demonstrations and a group painting project. Admission is free. Info: (203) 432-5050 or
Service in Memory of Neal E. Miller
1:30-3 p.m. Battell Chapel. Reception will follow at 3:30 p.m. at the Graduate Club, 155 Elm St.

Yale Astronomy Public Nights
First Thursday of each month. Top level, Pierson-Sage Parking Garage. Visitors will have the opportunity to view astronomical objects such as the moon, planets, star clusters and galaxies through one of the department's many telescopes. Astronomers will be on hand to describe the objects. Times vary seasonally. Info.:
Guided Tours of Campus
Monday-Friday, 10:30 a.m. & 2 p.m.; Saturday & Sunday, 1:30 p.m. Yale Visitor Center, Dwight Hall. Info.: (203) 432-2300.
Highlights Tours of the Peabody Museum
Saturday & Sunday, 1 p.m. Lobby, Peabody Museum. Free with museum admission ($5; $3 for children and seniors; free with valid Yale I.D.). Info.: (203) 432-5050;

Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library
Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. "Gleaming Gold, Shining Silver: 19th-century Book Covers from the Collection of Leonard and Lisa Baskin," through Oct. 12.
Joseph Slifka Center for Jewish Life at Yale
Monday-Friday, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. "A Love of the Land: Paintings by Howard Fussiner," through Sept. 30.
Yale Center for British Art
Tuesday-Saturday, 10 a.m.-5 p.m.; Sunday, noon-5 p.m. "Cooking the Books: Ron King and Circle Press," through Sept. 8.
Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History
Monday-Saturday, 10 a.m.-5 p.m.; Sunday, noon-5 p.m. "The African Roots of the Amistad Rebellion: Masks of the Sacred Bush," "The Muskrat and the Osprey: The Hidden Quinnipiac Marsh," "O.C. Marsh: His Life and Legacy," "Life in Ancient Egypt" and "Cultures of Native America," on view indefinitely. Admission: $5; $3 for children and seniors; free with valid Yale I.D. Info.:
Yale Physicians Building Art Place
Monday-Friday, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. The fifth in a series of exhibitions featuring paintings, photographs, sculptures, pottery and quilts by local artists and University faculty and staff; through September.
Yale University Art Gallery
Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday, 10 a.m.- 5 p.m.; Thursday, 10 a.m.-8 p.m; Sunday, 1-6 p.m. "Frankenthaler: The Woodcuts," through Sept. 8; "Nine African American Quilters," through
Nov. 10. "Wood Turning in North America since 1930," Sept. 10-Dec. 1. "Yale Collects Wood: Gifts from the Collection of John and Robyn Horn, Sept. 10-Dec. 1.
Sterling Memorial Library
Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 9 a.m.-1 p.m.; Tuesday, Thursday, 1-5 p.m. SML Exhibition Corridor and Arts of the Book Collection. "By Chance: Serendipity and Randomness in Contemporary Artists' Books," through Nov. 6. Nave Exhibition Cases, "Anatol Girs," Sept. 8-Nov. 29.
Yale Institute of Sacred Music
Monday-Friday, 9 a.m.-4 p.m.
"Spiritual Visions from Sri Lanka," through Oct. 25. An exhibition of paintings by Sri Lankan artist Nalini Jayasuriya.
Yale Sch. of Architecture
Monday-Saturday, 10 a.m.-5 p.m.
2nd Floor Gallery. "3D City: Studies in Density, Recent Work by MVRDV," Sept. 4-Oct. 25.

Alcoholics Anonymous
Monday, 7:30 a.m., Dwight Hall, Open Big Book Meeting; Tuesday, 7:30 a.m., Dwight Hall, Open Living Sober Meeting; Wednesday, 7:30 a.m., Dwight Hall, Open Promises and Traditions Meeting; Wednesday, 8 p.m., YUHS basement, Meeting; Thursday, 7:30 a.m., St. Thomas More Chapel Hall, Open Step Meeting; Friday, 7:30 a.m., Dwight Hall, Open Topic Discussion Meeting; Sunday, 8 a.m., YUHS basement, Open Discussion Meeting.
Alzheimer's Disease Support Group
First Thursday of each month, 1:15 p.m. 6th flr., 1 Church St. The Alzheimer's Disease Research Unit is offering a support group for relatives and friends of those with Alzheimer's disease. Dessert and coffee will be served. Info.: (203) 764-8100.
Second Thursday of each month, 7 p.m. ASHA-Yale is a volunteer organization dedicated to promoting basic education in India. Info.: asha@yale. edu;
Overeaters Anonymous
Monday, 7-8 p.m. 311 Temple St. Open meeting for all who suffer from eating and related disorders. Info.: Sophia, (203) 752-9000;
Yale Toastmasters Club
Friday, noon. 221 Whitney Ave. Open to members of the Yale community. Info.: (203) 436-3903;;

University Public Worship
Sunday, 11 a.m. Battell Chapel. Info.: (203) 432-8750. (Church of Christ in Yale, member church of the United Church of Christ)
Episcopal Church at Yale
Student Life Center (SLC), 341 Elm St. Sunday,
5 p.m., Dwight Chapel, Holy Communion, followed by dinner on the first Sunday of each month at the SLC. Sunday, 10 p.m., Christ Church,
84 Broadway, Compline, medieval song prayer service. Wednesday, 6:15 p.m., Berkeley Divinity Sch., Midweek Communion, meet at SLC for transportation. The Reverend Kathleen Dorr, chaplain. Info.: (203) 789-6387.
First & Summerfield United
Methodist Church
Sunday, 10 a.m. 425 College St. The Reverend Ralph Lord Roy. Info.: (203) 624-2521.
First Unitarian Universalist Society
of New Haven
Sunday, 10:30 a.m. 608 Whitney Ave. Beginning Sept. 8. Info.: Francis, (203) 562-0672.
International Church at Yale
Sunday, 11 a.m. Dwight Chapel. Info.: Walter Bodine, (203) 269-7857.
Luther House -- The University Lutheran Ministry in New Haven
Sunday, 4:30 p.m. 27 High St. Service of Holy Communion in a contemporary setting. Bible study and service opportunities are available. Info.: Carl Sharon, (203) 432-1139;
New Haven Friends Meeting
Sunday, 10:30 a.m. 225 East Grand Ave. Transportation will leave from Phelps Gate at 10:10 a.m. Childcare available. Info.: (203) 468-7364.
St. Thomas More Catholic Chapel and Center
Mass, Sunday, 10 a.m. & 5 p.m.; Tuesday-Thursday, 5:30 p.m. Sacrament of Reconciliation, Tuesday, 6 p.m. and 7 p.m. 268 Park St. Info.: (203) 777-5537.
Services at the Joseph Slifka Center
for Jewish Life at Yale
80 Wall St. Orthodox, Monday-Thursday,
7:30 a.m. & 7 p.m.; Friday, 7:30 a.m. & 25 min. before sunset; Saturday, 9 a.m. & after sundown (call for times); Sunday, 8:30 a.m. Conservative/Egalitarian, Monday, 6:45 p.m.; Wednesday, 8:30 a.m.; Friday, 5:45 p.m.; Saturday & Sunday, to be announced. Reform, Friday, 5:40 p.m. Downtown Minyan, Saturday, 10 a.m. Info.: (203) 432-1134.
Taize Candlelight Prayer
Tuesday, 9:07 p.m. Dwight Chapel. An ecumenical service of song, silence, prayer and praise featuring music from Taize. Info.:;; (203) 432-1139. (University Lutheran Ministry in New Haven)
Unitarian Society of New Haven
Sunday, 9:15 a.m. & 11:15 a.m. 700 Hartford Tpke., Hamden. The Reverend Kathleen McTigue. Info.: (203) 288-1807.

W E E K ' S

University to welcome Class of 2006

Yale will commemorate anniversary of Sept. 11 attacks with discussion, reflection

PepsiCo president Indra Nooyi elected to Yale Corporation

Astronomy students capture asteroid's close fly-by of Earth

Levin lauds Princeton president for her response to Web violation

Howe appointed William R. Kenan Professor

Ma is named Raymond John Wean Professor

Conference to 'put a human face' on the Vietnam War

In Focus: Biodiversity and Human Health Institute

Study: Positive images of old age conducive to long life

Library's debut of Voyager makes searches easier

Show celebrates industrial art turned creative art

Wooden artworks from collection given to Yale gallery on view

Two environmental leaders to teach at F&ES as visiting faculty

Junior faculty honored


School of Architecture hosting '3D City' exhibition

Sri Lankan artist Jayasuriya's paintings on display at ISM

Ethics of studies on children to be explored in fall program

Talk focuses on technology's effect on humans

Journalists to gain insight into legal affairs as Knight Fellows

Yale Club of New Haven supports students' work in community

Proper skin care reduces chance of bedsores, say YSN researchers

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