Yale Books in Brief
To submit information about books for this column, send e-mail to opa@yale.edu.
This short biography of the American statesman and inventor offers a portrait of Franklin's public life. Described by Kirkus Reviews as "an excellent portrayal of a patriot's style and substance," and hailed by one critic as "the best short biography of Franklin ever written," Morgan's new book delves into the legendary American's thinking and activities, as well as his devotion to the public good.
Fifty years after the American Revolution, debates erupted between farmers who believed in practices that sustained and bettered the soil of existing farms and those who looked instead to new lands in the West when their soil gave out. Drawing on dozens of journals, Steven Stoll examines this dispute, focusing on farmers from Pennsylvania and South Carolina and exploring the differences and similarities in their agriculture. The book has been described as "a signal work of environmental and political history," and as a history that is "often poetic of expression."
This book provides a comprehensive analysis of the legal issues concerning gender and sexual nonconformity in the United States and explores a history of state efforts to punish homosexuals and discriminate against them. Eskridge argues in his book for the "sexualization" of the First Amendment and contends that same-sex ceremonies and intimacy deserve the protection of the courts. He also presents a response to arguments made in defense of military policy regarding homosexuality. The hardcover edition of the book won the 2001 Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgendered Round Table of the American Library Association's Book Awards.
Exploring the interaction between trauma and justice, Shoshana Felman argues that the adjudication of collective traumas in the 20th century transformed both culture and law. Moving from texts by Hannah Arendt, Walter Benjamin, Sigmund Freud, Emile Zola and Leo Tolstoy to the Dreyfus and Nuremberg trials, as well as the trials of O.J. Simpson and Adolf Eichmann, Felman shows how transformation took place through legal cases that put history itself on trial and that provided a stage for the expression of the persecuted -- the historically "expressionless."
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