Art & Architecture Building
Afro-American Cultural Center
Yale Center for British Art
Bass Center for Molecular and Structural Biology
Boyer Center for Molecular Medicine
Brady Memorial Laboratory
Beinecke Rare Book Library
Cross Campus Library
Connecticut Mental Health Center
Child Study Center
Digital Media Center for the Arts
Hall of Graduate Studies
Hunter Radiation Therapy Center
Institute of Sacred Music
Institution for Social
& Policy Studies
Jane Ellen Hope Building
John B. Pierce Laboratory
J.W. Gibbs Research Laboratories
Kline Biology Tower
Kline Geology Laboratory
Linsly-Chittenden Hall
Laboratory of Epidemiology
& Public Health
Laboratory for Medicine
& Pediatrics
Osborn Memorial Laboratory
Payne Whitney Gym
Sterling Hall of Medicine
Sterling Law Buildings
Sprague Memorial Hall
Sterling Memorial Library
School of Management
Sloane Physics Laboratory
Sheffield-Sterling-Strathcona Hall
Undergraduate Career Services
Whitney Humanities Center
William L. Harkness Hall
Wright Nuclear Structure
Yale Center for International and Area Studies
Yale University Art Gallery
Yale University Health Services
Calendar of Events
F R I D A Y, A P R I L 4 - S U N D A Y, A P R I L 13
Click desired category.
 Biomedical Sciences
 And . . .
 Language Tables
Friday, April 4
"Hemispheric Trade Debate"
Wednesday, 7 p.m.; Thursday, 9 a.m.-4:30 p.m.; Friday, 9 a.m.-12:15 p.m. York Rm., Omni New Haven Hotel. Conference will focus on the pros and cons of free trade in the Americas. Info.: Beatriz Riefkohl, (203) 432-3420.
AIDS Science Day
8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Winslow Aud., LEPH. Annual event will highlight HIV/AIDS research being conducted at Yale and the Center for Interdisclipinary Research on AIDS' two collaborating institutions, the Hispanic Health Council and the Institute for Community Research. Registration is required: http://cira.med.yale.edu, (203) 764-4333 or debra.newton@yale.edu.
Fri. & Sat., April 4 & 5
Symposium on the Contemporary
Brazilian Novel
Friday, 4:30 p.m., Aud., Luce Hall.; Saturday,
10 a.m., 2 & 4 p.m. Romance Languages Lounge, 82-90 Wall St. Speakers will include novelists Ana Miranda and João Almino. Keynote address by Nelson H. Vieira, Brown Univ. Info.: www.yale.edu/ycias. (Latin American and Iberian Studies/YCIAS)
"Local Sites of Global Practice:
Modernism and the Middle East"
Friday, 3:45-6 p.m.; Saturday, 9:30 a.m.-6 p.m. Hastings Hall, A&A. Architects and scholars from a wide range of disciplines will meet to debate
the impact of modernism in the Middle East. (Sch. of Architecture/YCIAS/History of Art dept./
David M. Roth & Robert H. Symonds Memorial Lecture Fund)
Fri.-Sun., April 4-6
"Democracy in the Digital Age"
Friday, 6 p.m.; Saturday, 9 a.m.-6 p.m.; Sunday, 9:30 a.m.-1 p.m. SLB. Registration is required: http://islandia.law.yale.edu/isp/democracy_conference_main.html. (The Information Project/Law Sch.)
Saturday, April 5
"Anthropological Approaches
to Health Research"
9 a.m.-6 p.m. Rm. 119, HGS. The New England Regional Conference on Medical Anthropology. Pre-registration info.: www.yale.edu/medanth/conference2003.html or e-mail Catherine Timura at catherine.timura@yale.edu. (Bioethics Program at ISPS/Dept. of Anthropology)
Yale Daily News 125th Anniversary
10 a.m.-5 p.m. Alumni will participate in public panel discussions on topics ranging from international journalism, the future of the First Amendment and journalistic values in American newsrooms. For info. on locations of panels and specific panel topics and participants, see the website at www.yaledailynews.com.
Sat. & Sun., April 5 & 6
"Ecosystem Services in the Tropics: Challenges to Marketing Forest Function"
Saturday & Sunday, 9 a.m. Bowers Aud., Sage Hall. Doors open at 8:30 a.m. for registration. Fee: $25; $15 for students; free for members of the Yale community. Info.: rebecca.ashley@yale.edu.
Monday, April 7
"Reviving Aspirations of Peace: Strategies for an Israeli-Palestinian Peace Accord"
10:20-5 p.m. Rm. 122, SLB. Conference will include two panel discussions. The first session will examine the peace process as it has progressed thus far, and the second session will explore potential paths towards a future peace agreement for the region. Open to members of the Yale community. (Yale Middle East Law Forum)
"Refugee Policy in Canada and the
U.S. Post-9/11"
Noon-2 p.m. Mezzanine level, BRBL. Panelists will include Debbie Anker, Harvard Immigration and Refugee Clinical Program; Prof. Robert Barsky; James Hathaway, Univ. of Michigan Law Sch.; and Julius Grey, McGill Univ. Lunch will be served. Info.: robert.barsky@yale.edu. (Canadian Studies/YCIAS)
Wednesday, April 9
"Music and Spirit Through the Medium of Television"
5 p.m. YUAG. Gilbert Levine, symphony conductor, will chair a symposium on classical music performances and their underlying spiritual themes.
Friday, April 11
"Urban Community Development: Market, Government and Social Forces"
8 a.m.-6 p.m. SLB. Conference will include panel discussions on education, housing, retail development and job creation and will examine innovative approaches to community development. Registration is required: http://islandia.law.yale.edu/urbandev. Info: Parviz Parvizi, (203) 752-9624; parviz.parvizi@yale.edu. (Law Sch./Law Sch. Housing and Community Development Clinic/Law and Enterprise Forum)
"Genocide and Terrorism: Probing the Mind of the Perpetrator"
9 a.m.-6:15 p.m. WHC. Three panel discussions will focus on the topics of Nazism, non-state terrorism and the changes in individuals and societies brought on by large-scale violence. (Genocide Studies Program at YCIAS)
Symposium on University and Research Library Systems
2-3:30 p.m. Lecture hall, SML. Symposium will inform graduate students in the humanities about professional opportunities.
Fri. & Sat., April 11 & 12
"In Living Culture: The Place of Emotions in the Americas and Beyond"
Friday, 10 a.m.; Saturday, 9:30 a.m. Aud., WHC. Conference will explore the role and place of emotions within the context of the Americas and Spain. Info.: Noël Valis, noel.valis@yale.edu. (Dept. of Spanish and Portuguese/Edward J. and Dorothy Clarke Kempf Fund/Council on Latin American and Iberian Studies/U.S. Dept. of Education)
Fri.-Sun., April 11-13
"Culture in Transition: A Search for Identity Through the Arts in Post-Soviet Russia"
Friday, 1:30-5 p.m.; Saturday, 9:30 a.m.-
5:30 p.m.; Sunday, 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Rm. 100, 370 Temple St. Conference will feature presentations and discussions by scholars and critics in Russian literature, art, television, cinema, theater and education from Moscow and Ekaterinburg. Participants will include award-winning Russian theater director Kama Ginkas and his set designer, Sergei Barkhin. Info.: Helen Stopkoski, (203) 432-1300; helen.stopkoski@yale.edu. (YCIAS/Dept. of Slavic Languages and Literatures/Kempf Fund)
Saturday, April 12
"Theater: Between Text and Performance (Le Théâtre: Entre Texte et Scène)"
9 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Rm. 101, 220 York St.; 2-6:30 p.m. Rm. 211, LC. Colloquium will include panel discussions and a roundtable on topics regarding French theater and opera. (Dept. of French)
Sat. & Sun., April 12 & 13
"Celebrating Jewish Music at Yale"
Saturday, 8:30 p.m.; Sunday, 9:30 a.m. Conference will open with a concert by the klezmer band Brave Old World on Saturday and will continue on Sunday with several panel sessions, followed by a concert of music from the Wasserstein Collection performed by Music Dept. students. The conference will conclude with a concert by chamber music quartet Antares performing works by various composers associated with the Univ. Info.: (203) 432-7207; nannette.stahl@yale.edu; or www.library.yale.edu/judaica/music/index.html.
Sun.-Tues., April 13-15
"The Role of Glutamate in Schizophrenia and Other Psychiatric Disorders"
Omni New Haven Hotel. Researchers will present the latest findings about the role of glutamate, a major neurotransmitter in the brain, in a wide range of psychiatric disorders. The conference will include oral presentations and poster sessions. Info.: Sheryl Usmani, usmani@nyas.org. Registration: E-mail conference@nyas.org; fax, (212) 838-5640; or by mail to the Science and Technology Meetings Dept.; New York Academy of Sciences,
2 East 63rd St.; New York, New York, 10021.

T H I S W E E K ' S S T O R I E S
 Campus begins dialogue on U.S. war in Iraq

Campus events to tackle important international issues
 In Focus: Model United Nations Team at Yale

 Experts consider U.S.-Iraq war's effect on global relations

 Brown University president to visit as Chubb Fellow

 University will celebrate campus' diversity . . .

 Conference, concerts celebrate library's acquisition . . .

 Pioneering physicist and Sterling Professor Vernon Hughes dies

 Graduate student Brandon Brei drowns off Puerto Rico coast

 Conference to explore cultural transition in post-Soviet Russia

 Event to examine debate over urban development

 Symposium to assess role of emotions in 'Americas and Beyond'

 Yale Opera to perform Scarlatti's 'Il Trionfo dell'onore'

 Ephemera of everyday life featured in 'Passages'

 Event explores new technique for televising musical performances

 Forum showcases students' anthropological research

 In the spirit of Leonardo da Vinci

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