"Trade and Timing of Elections"
Noon. Rm. 203, Luce Hall. Political Economy Workshop with Mark Kayser, Oxford Univ. and Univ. of Rochester. (YCIAS)
"Paralysis by Novelty: Biopharmaceutical Discovery in a Post-Genomics World"
Noon-1 p.m. Brady Aud. Michael Gilman, senior vice president of research, Biogen. Info.: eric.anderson@chronos.med.yale.edu. (Yale Biotech Student Interest Group)
"Driving Out the Chinese from Humboldt County, California: A Photographic Record"
12:30-2 p.m. Rm. 108, WHC. Jean Pfaelzer. Lunch will be served. (Photography and Memory Workshop/Whitney Humanities Center)
"Detection of Cytokines Using Protein Arrays"
1-2 p.m. Rm. 107, Mason Laboratory. William Reichert, Duke Univ. (Dept. of Chemical Engineering)
"Simulation of Natural and Anthropogenic Variations of Climate During the 20th Century"
2 p.m. Rm. 102, KGL. The third of five Richard Foster Flint Lectures in Glacial and Quaternary Geology by Syukuro Manabe, Princeton Univ. (Dept. of Geology and Geophysics)
"Appropriate Institutions for Growth: Theory and Evidence"
4-5:30 p.m. Luce Hall Aud. Philippe Aghion, Harvard Univ. and Univ. College, London, will present the first of three Simon Kuznets Memorial Lectures in the series "Institutional Change and Economic Growth." (Economic Growth Center)
"Agostino Mascardi: Letteratura e Storiografi a Nella Roma di Urbano VIII"
4 p.m. Romance Languages Lounge, 82-90 Wall St. Eraldo Bellini, Università Cattalica, Milan. (Italian Dept.)
"The Ukrainian Challenge: Mykhailo Hrushevsky and the Deconstruction of Russian History"
4 p.m. Rm. 103, Luce Hall. Serhii Plokhy, Univ. of Alberta and Harvard Univ. (Council on European Studies at YCIAS)
"Speaking and Threatening"
4-5:30 p.m. Presidents Rm., Woolsey Hall. Lady Onora O'Neill, principal, Newnham's College, Cambridge, will deliver the second of three Castle Lectures in the series "How Not to Do Things With Words." A reception will follow. Info.: david.leslie@yale.edu.
"Author and Hero in Romantic Activity: Frankenstein Meets Bakhtin"
4 p.m. Comparative Literature Library, 8th fl., Bingham Hall. Walter Reed, Emory Univ. (Dept. of Comparative Literature)
"HIV/AIDS and Orphans: The Crisis, Consequences and Responses"
4:30-6:20 p.m. Rm. 103, LEPH. Mark Connolly, UNICEF.
"Hertz's Disputed Confirmation of Maxwell's Waves: What Counted as Proof in Late 19th-Century Physics"
4:30 p.m. Rm. 401, HGS. Dominique Pestre, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales and Centre Koyre for the History of Science, Paris. (Program in the History of Science and Medicine)
"The Architecture of the Cuban Revolution"
6:30 p.m. Hastings Hall, A&A. Belmont Freeman. (Sch. of Architecture)
Tuesday, April 8
Working Research Group:
Perspectives on Aging
8:30-10 a.m. ISPS. Speaker and topic TBA.
Yale Forest Forum Lunch
Noon. Marsh Hall Rotunda, 360 Prospect St. Justin Ward, Conservation International.
"Modeled from Life: Animal Bronzes from the Paul Mellon Bequest"
12:30 p.m. BAC. Art in Context talk by Dorcas MacClintock.
"Modern Design in America, 1920-1940: Furnishing the House of Tomorrow"
2 p.m. YUAG. Gallery Talk by Kristina Wilson.
"Agrobiotechnology and Impact
on Environment"
3-5 p.m. ISPS. Charles Benbrook, Benbrook Consulting Services. Part of the Working Research Group "Genetically Modified Plants."
"Institutions and Liberalization: Revisiting the Washington Consensus?"
4-5:30 p.m. Luce Hall Aud. Philippe Aghion, Harvard Univ. and Univ. College, London, will present the second of three Simon Kuznets Memorial Lectures on "Institutional Change and Economic Growth." (Economic Growth Center)
"James' Turn of the Novel"
4-5 p.m. Rm. 102. LC. Prof. Peter Brooks presents the 11th DeVane Lecture in the series "Visions of the Real."
"Foreign and Security Policy
of Central Asian Countries"
4 p.m. Rm. 202, Luce Hall. Laura Yerekesheva. (Council on European Studies at YCIAS)
"From Mythology to History: A Journey
to the End of the Millennium"
4:30 p.m. Aud., WHC. Abraham B. Yehoshua, novelist. A reception will follow in Rm. 108. Info.: Manana Sikic, (203) 432-0673; manana.sikic@yale.edu. (Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library/Whitney Humanities Center)
Master's Tea
4:30 p.m. Calhoun College master's house. Lewis Lapham, editor, Harper's Magazine.
"Transition State Dynamics
of Bimolecular Reactions"
4:30 p.m. Rm. 253, SCL. Robert Continetti, Univ. of California, San Diego. (Dept. of Chemistry)
"The Sensus Literalis and the Quest
for Original Intent, Scripture Cannot
Be Set Aside"
4:30 p.m. Rm. 127, SLB. The third of four lectures by Jaroslav Pelikan in the series "Interpreting the Great Code: The Bible and the Constitution in the Church and the Court." (Law Sch./Divinity Sch.)
First Annual Anthropology
Undergraduate Colloquium
4:30-6:30 p.m. Rm. 1, 158 Whitney Ave. The colloquium will feature eight undergraduate presentations in cultural and physical anthropology as
well as archaeology. Info.: www.yale.edu/anthro/society.
"Mr. Handel Puts on an Opera"
5 p.m. McNeil Lecture Hall, YUAG. The 10th Annual Lewis Walpole Library Lecture by Nicholas McGegan, music director, Philharmonia Baroque Orchestra. A reception will follow at the Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library. Info.: (860) 677-2140; walpole@yale.edu.
Bioethics Reading Group: Ethics of Research Involving Vulnerable Populations
6-8 p.m. ISPS. Celia Fisher, bioethicist-in-residence. Info. and dinner reservations: Carol Pollard, (203) 432-6188; carol.pollard@yale.edu.
Wednesday, April 9
"The Global Compact: A Global Experiment in the Possibilities of Cooperation"
11:40-12:45 p.m. Rm. A60, SOM. Georg Kell, executive head, Global Impact, and Nancy Nielsen, senior director, Pfizer Inc. Open to members of the Yale community. Info.: sig-dbl@som.yale.edu.
"The Universe in Miniature: Tomb Paintings and Their Contribution to the Chinese Painting Tradition"
Noon. Rm. 206, Old Art Gallery, 56 High St. Jessica Rawson, Merton College, Univ. of Oxford. Lunch will be provided. (Council on East Asian Studies)
"Social Robots, Autism and Infants"
Noon. ISPS. Bioethics Faculty Workshop with Prof. Brian Scassellati. Info. and dinner reservations: Carol Pollard, (203) 432-6188; carol.pollard@yale.edu.
"Globalization and Environment Governance in British Columbia, Canada: Can Market-Based Collaboration Between Business and Environmental Groups Help Address Resource Use Conflicts?"
2:30-3:30 p.m. Marsh Hall Rotunda, 360 Prospect St. Linda Coady, World Wildlife Fund, Canada.
"Endogenous Political Institutions"
4-5:30 p.m. Luce Hall Aud. Philippe Aghion, Harvard Univ. and Univ. College, London, will present the third of three Simon Kuznets Memorial Lectures in the series "Institutional Change and Economic Growth." (Economic Growth Center)
"Toleration, Espionage, Genocide:
Henryk Jozewski's Volhynian Experiment and the Polish-Soviet Context for Ukraine, 1928-1938"
4 p.m. Rm. 119, 8 Prospect Place. Post-Communist Workshop with Prof. Timothy Snyder.
"Merck Initiatives in Africa for River Blindness, Vaccines and HIV/AIDS: Responding to Pandemics"
4-5 p.m. Suite 1B, CIRA, 40 Temple St. Jeff Sturchio, Merck & Co. Inc. Refreshments will be served. Open to members of the Yale community. Info.: charlene.caprio@yale.edu. (Center for Interdiscliplinary Research on AIDS)
"Stereocontrol in Organic Synthesis
Using Silicon Compounds"
4 p.m. Rm. 160, SCL. Ian Fleming, Cambridge Univ. (Dept. of Chemistry)
"Sustainability Science: Research Opportunities and the Emergence
of a New Metadiscipline"
4 p.m. Rm. 211, Mason Laboratory. John Crittenden, Michigan Technological Univ., will present the John M. Henske Lecture. (Dept. of Chemical Engineering)
"Henry Kissinger, Triangular Diplomacy
and Regional Conflict: Reassessing the Endgame in Vietnam"
4:30 p.m. Rm. 103, Luce Hall. Jussi Hanhimaki, Graduate Institute of International Studies, Geneva. (International Security Studies)
Chubb Lecture
4:30 p.m. Rm. 120, SLB. Ruth Simmons, president, Brown Univ. Reception will follow in Sterling Library Memorabilia Rm.
"North-South Consensus Building
on Hydro-Power"
5 p.m. Bowers Aud., Sage Hall. Navroz Dubash, World Resources Institute.
Thursday, April 10
"Access to Health Care for the Uninsured: Ethical Implications"
Noon-1 p.m. Rm. 105, YSN. Brown-bag lunch with Celia B. Fisher, director, Fordham Univ. Center for Ethics Education. To attend, R.S.V.P. by April 7.: Fredericka Grant, (203) 737-2652 or fredericka.grant@yale.edu. (Center for Health Policy and Ethics)
"Korean Family Ties: Culture in the Korean Transnation"
Noon. Rm. 119A, HGS. Nancy Abelmann, Univ. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. (Council on East Asian Studies)
"Speaking Out, Saving Lives:
HIV Outreach for Youth in Tanzania"
Noon. Rm. 203, Luce Hall. African Studies brown-bag lunch with Amelia Shaw.
"Modern Design in America, 1920-1940: Furnishing the House of Tomorrow"
Noon. YUAG. Gallery Talk by Kristina Wilson.
Working Research Group: Justice
and the Allocation of Medical Care
Noon. ISPS. Speaker and topic TBA.
"Civil Rights, Security, Commerce, Torts and Liability: How America Confronted the Legal Challenges of the September 12 Era"
12:30-2 p.m. Rm. 127, SLB. Brown-bag lunch with Steven Brill, founder of Court TV and Brill's Content, Newsweek columnist and author of "After: How America Confronted the September 12 Era."
"Making Sense of Genocide: The Multiple Meanings of 'The Ultimate Crime'"
2:30 p.m. Conference rm., ISPS. Daniel Rothenberg. (Genocide Studies Program at YCIAS)
"The Mighty Experiment: Free Labor Versus Slavery in British Emancipation"
3:30 p.m. Rm. 119, HGS. Seymour Drescher, Univ. of Pittsburgh. Refreshments will be served. (Gilder Lehrman Center for the Study of Slavery, Resistance and Abolition)
Workshop in Economic History
4-5:30 p.m. Common Rm., 28 Hillhouse Ave. Speaker and topic TBA. Open to members of the Yale community.
"Circling the Void: Place and Memory in the Poetry of the Manchu Prince Yi Huan (1840-1891)"
4 p.m. Rm. 202, Luce Hall. Vera Schwarcz, Wesleyan Univ. (Council on East Asian Studies)
"The Reason of Late Democracy: A Roundtable on India and the United States"
4 p.m. Luce Hall Aud. South Asian roundtable discussion.
"Labor as a Global Social Movement"
4-5 p.m. Rm. 107, Williams Hall. Peter Evans. Info.: www.yale.edu/ccr. (Center for Comparative Research)
"Lone Patriot, the Short Career of an American Militiaman"
4 p.m. Rm. 129, SLB. A reading and talk by Jane Kramer, New Yorker correspondent.
"Anthropological Issues on Traditional People's Intellectual Rights"
4 p.m. Rm. 1, 158 Whitney Ave. Manuela Carneiro da Cunha, Univ. of Chicago. (Dept. of Anthropology/Council for Latin American Studies)
"The War and Its Repercussions"
4-5:30 p.m. Luce Hall Aud. Abbas Amanat, moderator, with Charles Hill, Gustav Ranis, Bruce Russett and Gaddis Smith.
"The Fusion of Politics, Culture and the Arts in Kiswahili Literature"
4:15 p.m. Rm. 203, Luce Hall. Abdilatif Abdalla, Univ. of Leipzig. (African Studies)
"Development of Doctrine: Patterns and Criteria, a Teacher of the Law Can Produce from His Store Both the New and the Old"
4:30 p.m. Rm. 127, SLB. The fourth of four lectures by Jaroslav Pelikan in the series "Interpreting the Great Code: The Bible and the Constitution in the Church and the Court." (Law Sch./Divinity Sch.)
"The Image of the Beloved: Handel's 'Admeto' and the Statue of Alcestis"
4:30 p.m. Rm. 207, WLH. Wendy Heller, Princeton Univ. (Dept. of Music)
"The Myth of Genius"
5:30 p.m. YUAG. Alex Katz, artist.
"Recent Lines"
6:30 p.m. Hastings Hall, A&A. Preston Scott Cohen. (Sch. of Architecture)
"Quantitative Evidence as a Challenge
to Literary History"
7 p.m. Rm. 208, WHC. Franco Moretti, Stanford Univ. A reception will be held prior to the lecture. Part of the series "When Was Europe? A Series of Conversations with Europeans About European Identity." (Council on European Studies/Whitney Humanities Center/Dept. of History)
"Making Freudians: Identity and Authority in the First Years of the Vienna Psychoanalytic Community"
8 p.m. Rm. 108, WHC. Dr. George Makari, Weill Medical College, Cornell Univ. A reception will be held at 7 p.m. Info.: Alicia Grendziszewski, (203) 785-7205; alicia.grendziszewski@yale.edu.(Muriel Gardiner Program in Psychoanalysis and the Humanities)
Friday, April 11
"Labeling Tradition and the Making of Appellations d'Origine Contrôlée in Mexico: Tequila and Other Agaves Drinks as Novel Forms of Empowerment for Third World Farmers in a Globalized Market"
11 a.m.-1 p.m. Seminar Rm., ISPS. Guadalupe Rodriguez-Gómez. (Program in Agrarian Studies)
"A New Type of Pediatric Practice:
Findings from the 3-Year Assessment
of Healthy Steps"
11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Rm. 211, Mason Laboratory. Yale Center in Child Development and Social Policy talk by Cynthia Minkovitz and Bernard Guyer, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg Sch. of Public Health.
"Putting Europe to Rights: The EU Charter, the European Convention on Human Rights and Eastward Enlargement"
12:30-2 p.m. Faculty lounge, SLB. Human Rights Workshop with Grainne De Burca, Univ. Institute, Florence.
"Occult Buddhism in China:
Presence and Persistence"
5:30 p.m. Luce Hall Aud. Robert Gimello, Harvard Univ. (Council on East Asian Studies)

W E E K ' S

Campus begins dialogue on U.S. war in Iraq

Campus events to tackle important international issues

In Focus: Model United Nations Team at Yale

Experts consider U.S.-Iraq war's effect on global relations

Brown University president to visit as Chubb Fellow

University will celebrate campus' diversity . . .

Conference, concerts celebrate library's acquisition . . .

Pioneering physicist and Sterling Professor Vernon Hughes dies

Graduate student Brandon Brei drowns off Puerto Rico coast

Conference to explore cultural transition in post-Soviet Russia

Event to examine debate over urban development

Symposium to assess role of emotions in 'Americas and Beyond'

Yale Opera to perform Scarlatti's 'Il Trionfo dell'onore'

Ephemera of everyday life featured in 'Passages'

Event explores new technique for televising musical performances

Forum showcases students' anthropological research

In the spirit of Leonardo da Vinci

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