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In the News X
"Usually, high-anxiety parents have high-anxiety kids."
-- Dr. Shu-Ming Wang, associate professor of
anesthesiology, about a study showing acupuncture can calm parents during their child's surgery,
"Therapies: First, Tranquilize the Parents,"
The New York Times, Oct. 14, 2003.
"Anytime anyone is capitalizing on the pain and suffering of another community, we should be equally outraged."
-- Khalilah Brown-Dean, assistant professor of political science and African American studies, "Game of Social Satire or Racial Slur? Black Leaders, Students Join Condemnation of Ghettopoly," The Hartford Courant, Oct. 10, 2003.
"You look around at scientists every year and there are some people so superior to anyone else that if there's some way to recognize them, you should."
-- Sidney Altman, Sterling Professor of Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology and Chemistry, about winning a Nobel Prize in 1989, "Nobel Laureates; Prizewinners with Local Ties Reflect on Winning a Nobel," New Haven Register, Oct. 12, 2003.
"Architects do their best work when they have very concerned, very conscientious clients, and we have very good clients here."
-- Robert A.M. Stern, dean of the School of Architecture, about his work on a Museum Center for the Mark Twain House in Hartford, "Following the Understated, Underground Trail of Twain's New Neighbor," The Hartford Courant, Oct. 14, 2003.
"One of the purposes [of Yale's traveling exhibit on Machu Picchu] is to show how the collaboration of scientific and historical research can allow you to get a progressively better understanding of a poorly understood phenomena. That message is important now because there's so much pseudo-scientific stuff out there. Most of it gives you a very distorted idea of the world and the history of these areas. It's important that people who devote their careers to this say, 'Well, this is how we do this.'"
-- Richard Burger, professor of anthropology, "A Rare Glimpse at Incan World; Carnegie Museum Unveils Mysteries from Peruvian Mountainside in Exhibit's Limited Tour," Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (Pennsylvania), Oct. 12, 2003.
"The increase in housing prices during the 1980s is now viewed as the veritable model of a boom cycle turned bust."
-- Robert J. Shiller, the Stanley B. Resor Professor of Economics, in his article "Is There a Bubble in the Prices of Homes?" The Independent, Oct.10, 2003.
"There are times when we as a nation feel that personal responsibility is not getting the job done, and so we have to take action. We could count on parents to get their children immunized, but they don't, therefore we require it. We could count on people being responsible and not smoking cigarettes, but we have a huge health crisis brought on by people smoking cigarettes."
-- Kelly D. Brownell, director of the Center for Eating and Weight Disorders, on obesity as a public health crisis, "Fight Against Fat Shifts to the Workplace," The New York Times, Oct. 12, 2003.
"Supportive housing works. This will not be a surprise to epidemiologists, who have long maintained that the easiest way to improve people's health is to improve their housing. Our public policy, however, has been to direct public dollars to the emergency side of homelessness, without adequately addressing permanent housing needs."
-- Robert A. Solomon, clinical professor of law, in his article "Stats Show Path To Solving Homeless Problem," Connecticut Law Tribune, Oct. 6, 2003.
"Seventy percent of the disease genes in humans are also in fruit flies. ..."
-- Tian Xu, professor of genetics, on why he uses the insects in cancer research, "Yale Scientists Trumpet Cancer Breakthrough," New Haven Register, Oct. 10, 2003.
"There is an increasing body of research coming out ... that companies that have a sort of spiritual dimension to them, tend to have employees that have higher morale, lower absenteeism, more creativity, a better ability to adapt to change and a tendency to have higher ethical standards."
-- David Miller, executive director of the Center for Faith and Culture at the Divinity School, "Work Ethic; New Center at Yale Focuses on Workplace Spirituality," New Haven Register, Oct. 12, 2003.
"So many times people take those things for granted: 'Hey, that was a great block, but he would've scored anyway.' That's not the way it is. We didn't have to run any offensive plays. So much of being good is guys working hard all the time and making plays like that."
-- Jack Siedlecki, head football coach, about an 86-yard kickoff return by Bulldog Robert Carr '05 at the Dartmouth game, "Football Notebook," New Haven Register, Oct. 14, 2003.
"Famously, Nixon once set out to get photographers to shoot him as they had John Kennedy -- debonair and graceful while strolling on the beach. But when Nixon emerged for his seaside shoot, he stalked the sands in trousers and wing tips, seeming not Kennedy-esque but only like a man straining to seem Kennedy-esque."
-- David Greenberg, lecturer in political science and history, about the late president's attempts at image-making in his article "Nixon's Legacy: In Politics, Image is Everything," Los Angeles Times, Oct. 6, 2003.
"[The berry acai] is the milk of the Amazon. It's what they give to children in school. It's high protein, zero cholesterol, and high tannin concentration, just like grapes, like red wine, so when you give that to children it's almost like an antibiotic."
-- John Forgach, McCluskey Fellow at the School of Forestry and Environmental Studies, "So That's How the Little Guys Win," The New York Sun, Oct. 10, 2003.
"No matter how many facts the Food and Drug Administration requires food companies to report on nutrition labels, the opportunities for deception abound. For example, right where one fruit juice label helpfully indicates that it is '100 percent' juice, a competitor that is mostly a mix of sugar and dyes boasts that it, too, provides '100 percent' -- in fine print, 'of a day's supply of vitamin C.' Only an all-encompassing food label for dummies would serve to trump the many marketing deceptions employed by the food industry."
-- Dr. David L. Katz, associate clinical professor of epidemiology and public health and medicine, in his article "Nutrition Labels for Dummies," The Hartford Courant, Oct. 12, 2003.
"It's extremely rare to say to someone, 'You killed the person by allowing your gun to remain in the house,' or, 'You allowed her to be unhappy.' You almost never hear that."
-- Steven B. Duke, law of science and technology professor, "Connecticut Man is Charged in Wife's Suicide by His Gun," The New York Times, Oct.10, 2003.