Summertime -- A season for concerts under the stars, festivals, leisurely evenings meant for pursuing recreation or catching a ball game, bright warm days to sail the Sound, and spare time to do things that were put off in other seasons, such as visiting an art gallery or attending a lecture. During June, July and August at Yale, these activities and more await summer students, staff and the many visitors to the campus. This guide includes listings of summer events sponsored by the University, both on and off campus.
Yale & the City
Professional Sports
Et Cetera
T H I S W E E K ' S S T O R I E S

Commencement, 1999 Style
 Facility to enhance strength in environmental sciences
 Guide again taps Yale as a 'must-see' attraction
 'Under My (Green) Thumb': Rolling Stones sideman talks about life . . .
 Summertime at Yale
 Endowed Professorships
 City-Wide Open Studios celebrates work of Yale and area artists
 A Conversation About Welfare and the Media
 Eleven honored for strengthening town-gown ties
 Special award, Jovin Fund commemorate student's good works
 From design to construction, program gives architecture students . . .
 Graduate students cited for excellence in teaching
 1999 Commencement Information
 Beinecke exhibition celebrates the art of collecting books
 New line of Yale ties and scarves combine architectural elements . . .
 Studio classes again to highlight annual festival of arts and ideas
 Project X Update
 Leffell to speak about surgery for skin cancer
 Kaplan honored for his work with children
 Guide shows motorists where to park downtown
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Jana Norotna competes in the 1998 Pilot Pen tennis competition, which returns to the Yale Tennis Center this year.
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