Friday, May 3
Student Chamber Music Concert
8 p.m. Branford College common room. All-Brahms program, including "Trio in C minor," "Clarinet trio in A minor" and "Trio in C major." Yale College and Sch. of Music students will perform. (Sch. of Music)
Saturday, May 4
"Lejos del Silencio (Far from Silence)"
8 p.m. Sudler Recital Hall. Robert Esler will play new works for percussion and electronics. Composers include Rodrigo Sigal, David Birchfield and Padma Newsome. (Sch. of Music)
Monday, May 6
Master of Music Recital
2 p.m. Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church. Ginger Lai, horn. (Sch. of Music)
Artist Diploma Recital
4:30 p.m. Sudler Recital Hall. Susanne Juliana Nitsch, viola. (Sch. of Music)
Master of Music Recital
5 p.m. Dwight Memorial Chapel. Tracy Anne Smith, guitar. (Sch. of Music)
Artist Diploma Recital
6 p.m. Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church. Katherine Lee, piano. (Sch. of Music)
Master of Music Recital
8 p.m. Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church. Sue-Jean Park, violin. (Sch. of Music)
Friday, May 10
Civic Orchestra of New Haven
8 p.m. Battell Chapel. Program includes Mendelssohn's "Concerto for Violin and Orchestra in E Minor" with featured artist Kyung Yu, Beethoven's "Prometheus Overture" and Schubert's "Symphony No. 9 in C Major (The Great)." A contribution of $10 per family, $5 per individual or $3 for students and seniors is suggested.
Saturday, May 11
"Music of the Spirit: Sacred Music
of 18th-Century Austria"
8 p.m. Battell Chapel. The New Haven Chorale, under the direction of Paul Mueller, will offer works of Haydn and Mozart. Members of the New Haven Symphony Orchestra, directed by Jung-Ho Pak, will accompany the singers. Tickets: $20; $15 for students and seniors. Info.: (203) 787-1887;
Fri. & Sat., May 3 & 4; Mon.-Sat., May 6-11
"Iphigeneia at Aulis"
Monday, 7 p.m.; Tuesday-Friday, 8 p.m.; Saturday, 2 p.m. & 8 p.m. Yale Rep. The Yale Rep closes its season with Euripides' classic drama, newly translated and adapted by Kenneth Cavander, and directed by Rebecca Bayla Taichman. Tickets: $22-$39. Info.: (203) 432-1234;
Friday, May 3
12:15 p.m. Rm. 106, 28 Hillhouse Ave. Lena Edlund, Columbia Univ.
Lorne Craner
12:30 p.m. Rm. 129, SLB. Lorne Craner, assistant secretary of state for democracy, human rights and labor.
"Do Not Bring Us Your Poor, Your Tired, Your Huddled Masses: Do Undocumented Workers Still Have Rights in the United States?"
2 p.m. SLB. Roundtable discussion will feature a high-level Mexican government delegation visiting the United States to explore the implications of the Supreme Court's decision in Hoffman Plastic Compounds, Inc. v. NLRB that undocumented aliens cannot be awarded backpay. A reception will follow. (YLS)
"Multiple Models, Switching and Tuning"
3 p.m. Conf. rm., 5th flr., Dunham Lab. Kumpati Narendra.
"Listening to Art"
3:30 p.m. YUAG. Student gallery guide Sue Preneta will lead an "Angles on Art" tour.
"Birds and Their Feathers"
4 p.m. Peabody Museum. Alan Brush, Univ. of Connecticut. Free with museum admission ($5; $3 for children and seniors).
"Liquid Crystalline Media Offer New Opportunities in NMR Structure Determination"
4 p.m. Rm. 110, SCL. Ad Bax, National Institutes of Health, will receive the John Gamble Kirkwood Medal for 2002 and present the Kirkwood Lecture. Refreshments will be served at 3:30 p.m. (Dept. of Chemistry)
"Empress Wu and Tang Buddhist Art"
4 p.m. Rm. 203, Luce Hall. Roderick Whitfield, Sch. of Oriental and African Studies, Univ. of London. (CEAS)
"Picture Stories: Images as History"
5 p.m. Aud., SLB. Martha Sandweiss, Amherst College. President Richard C. Levin will speak briefly before the lecture, which marks the opening of the exhibition "America Pictured to the Life: Illustrated Works from the Paul Mellon Bequest." A reception at the Beinecke Libary will follow.
Saturday, May 4
"Watery Worlds: The Art of Seascapes"
3 p.m. YUAG. Student gallery guide Elizabeth Newman will lead an "Angles on Art" tour.
Sunday, May 5
"Color and Emotion"
4 p.m. YUAG. Student gallery guide Ming Thompson will lead an "Angles on Art" tour.
Monday, May 6
"Sierra Madre Biodiversity Corridor:
A Landscape Conservation Approach
in the Philippines"
Noon-2 p.m. Rotunda, Marsh Hall. Perry S. Ong, science director, Philippine program, Conservation International.
"Testing Wisdom Across the Lifespan"
1:30-2:30 p.m. Rm. 207, Kirtland Hall. Jennifer Jordan. (PACE)
Wednesday, May 8
"Moral Failing, Disease and Displacement: Competing Models of Addiction
and Implications for Substance Abuse Policy in Puerto Rico"
Noon. Lower level conf. rm., ISPS. Helena Hansen, M.D./Ph.D. candidate. For luncheon reservations, contact Carol Pollard at (203) 432-6188 or (Interdisciplinary Bioethics Workshop)
"An Aesthetic of the Cool:
The Art of Abatan"
12:20 p.m. YUAG. Robert Farris Thompson. The first lecture in the series "Indelibly Black: African Art for African-Americans."
"Making a Difference"
4 p.m. Rm. 206, JEH. Dr. Robert Gifford will present the Third Annual Morris Dillard Honorary Lecture.
Friday, May 10
"Tinkering with the Natural: Lessons from Japan for an Anthropology of the Body"
1:45-2:45 p.m. Aud., Luce Hall. Margaret Lock, McGill Univ. Part of the Japan Anthropology Workshop conference. Info.: http://pantheon.yale. edu/~wwkelly/JAWS_2002/index.html. (CEAS)
Fri. & Sat., May 3 & 4
"Amelie" (2001)
7:30 p.m. & 10 p.m. Harkness Aud. Directed by Jean Pierre Jeunet. In French with English subtitles. Tickets: $3; free with $10 membership. Info.:
Sunday, May 5
"Kandahar" (2001)
7:30 p.m. & 10 p.m. Harkness Aud. Directed by Mohsen Makhmalbaf. In Farsi and English with subtitles. There will also be a discussion of the film. Tickets: $3; free with $10 membership. Info.: (Medical Sch. Film Society/ Orville H. Schell Jr. Center, YLS)
Thursday, May 9
"Black & White Are The Only Two Colors I'll Ever Need"
6 p.m. YUAG. Videos by Burt Barr, artist featured in the exhibition "Looking at America."
Friday, May 10
"The Japanese in Singapore:
'Under Another Sun' & 'The Second Wave'"
7:30-9:30 p.m. Aud., Luce Hall. Part of the Japan Anthropology Workshop conference. Info.: index.html. (CEAS)
Saturday, May 11
"After Life" (1998)
9-11 p.m. Aud., Luce Hall. Directed by Hirokazu Kore-eda. Part of the Japan Anthropology Workshop conference. Info.: ~wwkelly/JAWS_2002/index.html. (CEAS)
Friday, May 3
"Challenges to Innovation
in the 21st Century"
Friday, 8 a.m. Davies Aud., Becton Center. The Yale Engineering Sesquicentennial Forum will address the technical and societal threats and challenges to our country's innovation culture from the perspectives of the major sectors of our society: government, industry, academia and private. President Richard C. Levin will present the keynote address, "The American University as an Engine of Economic Growth." By invitation only. Info.:
Saturday, May 4
Cervical Spine Symposium
8 a.m.-4 p.m. Rm. 110, JEH. Registration: (203) 785-6907; (610) 647-9700, ext. 7783.
Fri.-Sun., May 3-5
"African American Studies & Yale: Revisiting Origins, Imagining Futures"
The African American studies department alumni reunion and conference will include panel discussions, tours, performances and a dinner talk by Yale Corporation Senior Fellow Kurt Schmoke '71 B.A. Registration required to attend banquet and other meals. Info. :
Saturday, May 4
Institute for the Advanced Study
of Religion Spring National Conference
Rm. 211, HGS. Times and sessions to be announced. Info.: (203) 432-4040.
Sunday, May 5
"Apocalypse and Violence: Historical
and Contemporary Perspectives"
8:30 a.m.-6 p.m. Niebuhr Hall, 409 Prospect St. Conference will explore the relationships between apocalypse and violence in Judaism, Christianity and Islam, and include papers and a panel discussion that reflect on the relevance of these traditions today. (Middle East Council, YCIAS/Divinity Sch.)
Fri.-Sun., May 10-12
Japan Anthropology Workshop (JAWS)
Info.: 2002/index.html; (CEAS)
Friday, May 3
"Immunopathology Associated
with Epstein-Barr Virus Infection"
8:30 a.m. Beeson Library, 6th flr., HRT. Dr. David Dreyfus. (Section of Allergy and Clinical Immunology)
"Feeding Tissues with Fat, the Alternative to Glucose"
Noon. Dr. Ira Goldberg, Columbia Univ. (Endocrine Physiology and Therapeutics Conference)
Monday, May 6
"New Paradigms in Resolving Lung Injury"
4-5 p.m. Rm. 206, BCMM. Dr. Paul W. Noble. (VBT-IPCT)
"Consequences of Basilar Membrane
Non-Linearity for Loudness: New Findings in Normal and Impaired Hearing"
4 p.m. Peter B. Gordon Memorial Library, JPL. Mary Florentine, Bouve College of Health Sciences, Northeastern Univ. (JPL)
Tuesday, May 7
"Pancreatic Cancer: Potential Targets
for Novel Therapy"
8:30 a.m. Fitkin Amph. Dr. James L. Abbruzzese, Univ. of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center. (Cancer Center Grand Rounds)
Wednesday, May 8
"Gay and Lesbian Issues in Pediatrics: Patients, Parenting and Professionalism"
Noon-1 p.m. Fitkin Amph. Dr. P. Nelson Le. (Dept. of Pediatrics Grand Rounds)
"The Dark Side of Organelle Biogenesis: Melanosomes as a Model for Lysosome-Related Organelles"
Noon. Brady Aud., Lauder Hall. Michael S. Marks, Univ. of Pennsylvania Sch. of Medicine. (Dept. of Cell Biology)
"Contemporary Chemotherapy of Lung Carcinoma"
2:30-4:30 p.m. Fitkin Amph. Dr. Salman Qureshi. Yale State Chest Conference will be followed by case presentations. Open to health professionals. (Pulmonary and Critical Care Section)
"Kinesin-Dependent Neuronal Transport Pathways in Signaling
and Neurodegenerative Disease"
4 p.m. Rm. 226, OML. Lawrence Goldstein, UCSD Sch. of Medicine. Tea will be served at 3:45 p.m. (Dept. of Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology)
"Parvovirus-based Vectors for Immunomodulating Host Defenses: Single Dose Vaccines for Lifelong Immunity"
4-5 p.m. Rm. 401, Clinic Bldg. Gene Palmer. (Dept. of Laboratory Medicine)
Thursday, May 9
"Adoptive Cancer Immunotherapy"
11 a.m. Fitkin Amph. Dr. Claude Perreault, Univ. of Montreal. (Section of Immunobiology)
"Fertility at 40 & Beyond"
4 p.m. Brady Aud., Lauder Hall. Dr. Neal Mahutte. (Dept. of Obstetrics & Gynecology Grand Rounds)
"Orthopaedic Trauma" & "Rectal Prolapse"
5-6 p.m. Rm. 216, JEH. Dr. Michael Baumgaertner and Dr. Rabab Hashim. (Dept. of Surgery Grand Rounds)
Friday, May 10
"Interesting Patients"
8:30 a.m. Beeson Library, 6th flr., HRT. (Section of Allergy and Clinical Immunology)
"Detection of Coronary Artery Disease
in Asymptomatic Patients with Diabetes"
Noon. Rm. 206, BCMM. Dr. Frans Wackers. (Endocrine Physiology and Therapeutics Conf.)
Friday, May 3
"Luncheon Meditation"
Noon-1 p.m. Rm. 427, 221 Whitney Ave. Registration:
Saturday, May 4
"Nuts and Bolts of Running"
SLB. All-day program will cover campaign plans and reaching the unaffiliated voter. Fee: $95 (includes training materials, continental breakfast and networking luncheon); discounts available for groups and students. Info.: (203) 734-7385;; (WCS)
Mon.-Fri., May 6-10
Spring Book Fair
10 a.m.-4 p.m. Rotunda, SHM. Children's books, current bestsellers, cookbooks, self-help books and more will be on sale. Proceeds will benefit the Phyllis Bodel Childcare Center at the Sch. of Medicine.
Tuesday, May 7
"Building a Successful Team"
9 a.m.-3 p.m. Aud., Peabody Museum. Fee: $110; $90 for members of the Yale community. Registration:
Thursday, May 9
"Getting There: The Professional You"
9 a.m.-noon. 14th flr., 265 Church St. Fee: $65; $50 for members of the Yale community. Registration:
Painting Department Student Work Sale and Open Studios
4-9 p.m. Green Hall. Works by 44 graduate painting students, including drawings, prints, paintings and constructions, will be on sale 4-7 p.m. (conditions of sale are established by student and buyer, not the Sch. of Art). Painting studios will be open to visitors 7-9 p.m.; refreshments will be served. Info.: (203) 432-9109. (Sch. of Art)
Friday, May 10
Open Meeting of Advisory Committee
on Investor Responsibility
4:30-6 p.m. Rm. A30, SOM. William N. Goetzmann, chair. Open to members of the Yale community. Info.: (ACIR)
Yale Astronomy Public Nights
First Thursday of each month. Top level, Pierson-Sage Parking Garage. Visitors will have the opportunity to view astronomical objects such as the moon, planets, star clusters and galaxies through one of the department's many telescopes. Astronomers will be on hand to describe the objects. Info.:
Guided Tours of Campus
Monday-Friday, 10:30 a.m. & 2 p.m.; Saturday & Sunday, 1:30 p.m. Yale Visitor Center, Dwight Hall. Info.: (203) 432-2300.
Highlights Tours of the Peabody Museum
Saturday & Sunday, 1 p.m. Lobby, Peabody Museum. Free with museum admission ($5; $3 for children and seniors; free with valid Yale I.D.). Info.: (203) 432-5050;
Masterpiece Tours of the Yale Art Gallery
Saturday, 1:30 p.m.; Sunday, 3 p.m. YUAG. Tours of the permanent collection led by docents.
School of Architecture
Monday-Saturday, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. "Zaha Hadid Laboratory," through May 10.
School of Art
10 a.m.-5 p.m. "Undergraduate Senior Projects," through April 28; "MFA Thesis Exhibition -- Photography" (Walead Beshty, Jeffrey Chiedo, Catherine Cobb, Sarah Darpli, Sarah Martin, Eric Recktenwald, Laura Gail Tyler and Melanie Willhide), through May 12.
Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library
Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. "Isabelle de Charrièrre," through May 3; "America Pictured to the Life: Illustrated Works from the Paul Mellon Bequest," through July 17.
Institute of Sacred Music
Monday-Friday, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. "The Florence Portfolio," through June 14.
Jonathan Edwards College Master's House
Thursday, 4-6 p.m., or by appt. "The Aura of the Cause: A Photo Album for North American Volunteers in the Spanish Civil War," through May 28. Info.: (203) 432-0356.
Sterling Memorial Library
Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m.-4:45 p.m. Memorabilia Rm. "Charles A. Lindbergh: A Commemorative View," through May 21.
Yale Center for British Art
Tuesday-Saturday, 10 a.m.-5 p.m.; Sunday, noon-5 p.m. "Paula Rego: Celestina's House," through July 14.
Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History
Monday-Saturday, 10 a.m.-5 p.m.; Sunday, noon-5 p.m. "The African Roots of the Amistad Rebellion: Masks of the Sacred Bush," "The Muskrat and the Osprey: The Hidden Quinnipiac Marsh," "O.C. Marsh: His Life and Legacy," "Life in Ancient Egypt" and "Hall of Native American Cultures," on view indefinitely. Admission: $5; $3 for children and seniors; free with valid Yale I.D. Info.:
Yale Physicians Building Art Place
Monday-Friday, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. The fifth in a series of exhibitions featuring paintings, photographs, sculptures, pottery and quilts by local artists and University faculty and staff; through September.
Yale University Art Gallery
Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, 10 a.m.- 5 p.m.; Thursday, 10 a.m.-8 p.m.; Sunday, 1-
6 p.m. "Art for All Seasons: Asian Art at Yale, Part II," through Sept. 1; "Emmet Gowin: Changing the Earth, Aerial Photographs," through July 28; "Robert Adams: What We Bought, The New World" and "Lewis Baltz: Park City, Contemporary Photographs," through July 28; "Looking at America," through July 28.
Alcoholics Anonymous
Monday, 7:30 a.m., Dwight Hall, Open Big Book Meeting; Tuesday, 7:30 a.m., Dwight Hall, Open Living Sober Meeting; Wednesday, 7:30 a.m., Dwight Hall, Open Promises and Traditions Meeting; Wednesday, 8 p.m., YUHS basement, Meeting; Thursday, 7:30 a.m., St. Thomas More Chapel Hall, Open Step Meeting; Friday, 7:30 a.m., Dwight Hall, Open Topic Discussion Meeting; Sunday, 8 a.m., YUHS basement, Open Discussion Meeting.
Alzheimer's Disease Support Group
First Thursday of each month, 1:15 p.m. 6th flr., 1 Church St. The Alzheimer's Disease Research Unit is offering a support group for relatives and friends of those with Alzheimer's disease. Dessert and coffee will be served. Info.: (203) 764-8100.
Second Thursday of each month, 7 p.m. Rm. 119/120b, HGS. ASHA-Yale is a volunteer organization dedicated to promoting basic education in India. Info.:;
Becoming Better Teachers:
A Medical Education Discussion Group
Fourth Tuesday of each month, noon-1 p.m. Computer lab, Medical Sch. library, 333 Cedar St. (Office of Academic Development)
Greater New Haven Toastmasters
Second and fourth Wednesday of each month, 6:30-8:15 p.m. Rm. 405, BASS. All members and guests are welcome to join the public speaking improvement group. Info.: Sid Kelly, (203) 882-2542, (203) 937-1922 or
Marxist Reading Group
Alternate Fridays beginning Sept. 14, 4 p.m. Rm. 108, WHC. Readings available in WHC main office. Info.:;
Overeaters Anonymous
Monday, 7-8 p.m. Women's Center, 198 Elm St. Beginners and Big Book meeting; men are welcome. Info.: Sophia, (203) 752-9000;
Yale Korean BioScience Society (YKBS)
Second Thursday of each month, 6-9 p.m.
Rm. c015, SHM. Seminars will be presented by the professional group. Info.:
Yale-New Haven Yiddish Reading Circle
Wednesday, noon-1:15 p.m. Slifka Center. Reading of modern and classical Yiddish literature. Reading knowledge of Yiddish is desirable. Info.: (203) 288-8206.
Yale Poetry Group
Alternate Thursdays beginning Jan. 17, 8 p.m. Calhoun College fellows room.
Yale Toastmasters Club
Alternate Tuesdays and Fridays, noon. Open to members of the Yale community. Info.:; (203) 436-3903;
University Public Worship
Sunday, 11 a.m. Battell Chapel. Info.: (203) 432-8750. The Reverend Frederick J. Streets will preach on May 5 (with Holy Communion) and May 12. (Church of Christ in Yale, member church of the United Church of Christ)
Episcopal Church at Yale
Student Life Center (SLC), 341 Elm St. Sunday,
5 p.m., Dwight Chapel, Holy Communion, followed by dinner on the first Sunday of each month at the SLC. Sunday, 10 p.m., Christ Church,
84 Broadway, Compline, medieval song prayer service. Wednesday, 6:15 p.m., Berkeley Divinity Sch., Midweek Communion, meet at SLC for transportation. The Reverend Kathleen Dorr, chaplain. Info.: (203) 789-6387.
First & Summerfield United Methodist Church
Sunday, 11 a.m. 425 College St. The Reverend Ralph Lord Roy. Info.: (203) 624-2521.
First Unitarian Universalist Society
of New Haven
Sunday, 10:30 a.m. 608 Whitney Ave. Info.: Francis, (203) 562-0672.
International Church at Yale
Sunday, 11 a.m. Dwight Chapel. Info.:
Luther House -- The University Lutheran Ministry in New Haven
Sunday, 4:30 p.m. 27 High St. Service of Holy Communion in a contemporary setting. Bible study and service opportunities are available. Info.: Carl Sharon, (203) 432-1139;
Muslim Students Association
Rm. 012, basement, Bingham Hall. Friday prayers, 12:45 p.m.; Isha prayers, nightly, 9 p.m. Info.:
New Haven Friends
Sunday, 10:30 a.m. 225 East Grand Ave. Transportation will leave from Phelps Gate at 10:10 a.m. Info.: (203) 468-7364.
St. Thomas More Catholic Chapel and Center
268 Park St. Sunday Mass, 10 a.m. & 5 p.m.; Mass, Tuesday-Thursday, 5:30 p.m.; Reconcilation, Tuesday, 6-7 p.m., or by appt.; evening prayer, Monday, 5:30 p.m. Info.: (203) 777-5537.
Services at the Joseph Slifka Center
for Jewish Life at Yale
80 Wall St. Orthodox, Monday-Thursday,
7:30 a.m. & 7 p.m.; Friday, 7:30 a.m. & 25 min. before sunset; Saturday, 9 a.m. & after sundown (call for times); Sunday, 8:30 a.m. Conservative/Egalitarian, Monday, 6:45 p.m.; Wednesday, 8:30 a.m.; Friday, 5:45 p.m.; Saturday & Sunday, to be announced. Reform, Friday, 5:40 p.m. Downtown Minyan, Saturday, 10 a.m. Info.: (203) 432-1134.
Taize Candlelight Prayer
Tuesday, 9:07 p.m. Dwight Chapel. An ecumenical service of song, silence, prayer and praise featuring music from Taize. Info.:;; (203) 432-1139. (University Lutheran Ministry in New Haven)
Unitarian Society of New Haven
Sunday, 9:15 a.m. & 11:15 a.m. 700 Hartford Turnpike, Hamden. The Reverend Kathleen McTigue. Info.: (203) 288-1807.
Yale Orthodox Christian Fellowship
5 p.m. Lovett Rm., Battell Chapel. Vespers. Info.: Xenios Papademetris, (203) 387-4220 ;
W E E K ' S

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NIH grant to support research on treatment of epilepsy

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Study shows promising cocaine treatment is ineffective on humans

Update on YB&C survey

Local third-graders graduate from America Reads program

Yale affiliates awarded YUWO scholarships to continue studies

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